授業科目名(和文) [Course] |
専門英語Ⅰ(デザイン情報読解)<専門英語Ⅰ> |
授業科目名(英文) [Course] |
Advanced English I in Accessing Information <Reading in Design English Ⅰ><Technical English Ⅰ> |
学部(研究科) [Faculty] |
デザイン学部 |
学科(専攻) [Department] |
造形デザイン学科 |
担当教員(○:代表教員) [Principle Instructor(○) and Instructors] |
○ブルネリ アンソニー 自室番号(3601)、電子メール(brunelli**dgn.oka-pu.ac.jp) ※利用の際は,** を @に置き換えてください |
単位数 [Point(Credit)] |
前期 2単位 |
対象学生 [Eligible students] |
造形デザイン学科3年次生 |
授業概略と目標 [Course description and Objects] |
This class will focus on understanding the need for and the design and development of an English-language informational museum kiosk video. Students will study the five steps of such design, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation which will culminate in the development of a short museum-use short English informational video. |
到達目標 [Learning Goal] |
At the end of this course, students will better understand the importance of, and feel more comfortable with, the use of English in art and design. |
履修上の注意 [Notes] |
Students should be prepared to be active in class. Students will be expected to be present, to be on time, and to try. |
授業計画とスケジュール [Course schedule] |
1. Introduction 2. The role of English in Art/Design in Japan 3. The international visitor 4. Museum kiosks 5. Brainstorming ideas 6. Needs analysis 7. Storyboarding 8. Storyboarding 9. Treatment writing 10. Treatment writing 11. Filming 12. Filming 13. Editing 14. Editing 15. Presentations |
成績評価方法と基準 [Grading policy (Evaluation)] |
Students in this class will be evaluated and receive grades based on attendance and participation (80%), and the results of various tests (20%). |
教科書 [Textbook] |
All necessary materials will be provided by the teacher. |
開講年度 [Year of the course] |
28 |