授業科目名(和文) [Course] |
学術論文作法Ⅱ |
授業科目名(英文) [Course] |
Academic Writing Ⅱ |
学部(研究科) [Faculty] |
デザイン学研究科 |
学科(専攻) [Department] |
造形デザイン学専攻 |
担当教員(○:代表教員) [Principle Instructor(○) and Instructors] |
○ブルネリ アンソニー 自室番号(3601)、電子メール(brunelli**dgn.oka-pu.ac.jp) ※利用の際は,** を @に置き換えてください |
単位数 [Point(Credit)] |
2単位 |
対象学生 [Eligible students] |
大学院1?2年次生 |
授業概略と目標 [Course description and Objects] |
This class will help students develop writing skills needed for success in academic writing. This course will offer knowledge and practice in academic writing, focusing on abstract writing. |
到達目標 [Learning Goal] |
At the end of this course, students will be able to write a clear and precise thesis abstract in English. |
履修上の注意 [Notes] |
Students should be prepared to do a lot of reading and writing in English. |
授業計画とスケジュール [Course schedule] |
1. Class explanation 2. Writing a self-introduction 3. Topic sentences 4. Topic sentence practice 5. Explanation paragraphs 6. Adding details 7. Cause 8. Effect 9. Similarities 10. Differences 11. Sequence paragraphs 12. Order 13. Time 14. Putting it all together 14. Review |
成績評価方法と基準 [Grading policy (Evaluation)] |
Students will be evaluated on attendance (40%) and participation (60%). |
教科書 [Textbook] |
The teacher will supply all necessary materials. |
開講年度 [Year of the course] |
28 |