授業科目名(和文) [Course] |
英会話Ⅳ |
授業科目名(英文) [Course] |
Communicative EnglishⅣ |
学部(研究科) [Faculty] |
共通教育/全学教育 |
学科(専攻) [Department] |
語学国際 <コミュニケーション> |
担当教員(○:代表教員) [Principle Instructor(○) and Instructors] |
○ブルネリ アンソニー 自室番号(3601)、電子メール(brunelli**dgn.oka-pu.ac.jp) ※利用の際は,** を @に置き換えてください |
単位数 [Point(Credit)] |
1単位 |
対象学生 [Eligible students] |
2年次生 |
授業概略と目標 [Course description and Objects] |
This class will continue to expose students to the use of English in a multi-cultural situation using the American TV drama “Modern Family.” Students will watch and then discuss the comedic happenings of a true “modern” family. |
到達目標 [Learning Goal] |
At the end of this class, students will have a better understanding of different cultures and be able to express their feelings more easily in English. |
履修上の注意 [Notes] |
Students should be prepared to be active in class. Students will be expected to be present, to be on time, and to try. |
授業計画とスケジュール [Course schedule] |
1. Introduction to the new semester 2. Review of the first semester 3. First day of school for the kids 4. Jay and Gloria argue over Manny’s clothes 5. Lily’s minor problem 6. Manny takes up fencing 7. Mitchell feels wounded 8. Luke’s hidden talent 9. The grandkids sleep over 10. The perfect anniversary gift 11. The crazy and jealous ladyfriend 12. Christmas is canceled 13. Gloria and Manny celebrate 14. Lily meets Santa 15. Review 16. Test |
成績評価方法と基準 [Grading policy (Evaluation)] |
Students in this class will be evaluated and receive grades based on attendance and participation (80%), and the results of various tests (20%). |
教科書 [Textbook] |
All necessary materials will be provided by the teacher. |
開講年度 [Year of the course] |
28 |