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科目一覧へ戻る | 2020/10/22 現在 |
科目名(和文) /Course |
専門英語Ⅰ(デザイン情報読解) |
科目名(英文) /Course |
Advanced English Ⅰ in Accessing Infomation |
時間割コード /Registration Code |
30527701 |
学部(研究科) /Faculty |
デザイン学部 |
学科(専攻) /Department |
デザイン工学科 造形デザイン学科 |
/Principle Instructor (○) and Instructors |
○ブルネリ アンソニー |
オフィスアワー /Office Hour |
ブルネリ アンソニー(月曜日 2限) |
開講年度 /Year of the Course |
2020年度 |
開講期間 /Term |
第3クォーター |
対象学生 /Eligible Students |
3年 |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
更新日 /Date of renewal |
2020/02/26 |
使用言語 /Language of Instruction |
英語 |
オムニバス /Omnibus |
該当なし |
授業概略と目的 /Cource Description and Objectives |
This class will focus on understanding the need for and the design and development of an English-language informational museum kiosk video. Students will study the five steps of such design, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation which will culminate in the development of a short museum-use English informational video. |
履修に必要な知識?能力?キーワード /Prerequisites and Keywords |
Design, video, informational |
履修上の注意 /Notes |
This will be a blended learning class |
教科書 /Textbook(s) |
The teacher will supply all necessary materials. |
参考文献等 /References |
No reference books needed. |
自主学習ガイド /Expected Study Guide outside Coursework/Self-Directed Learning Other Than Coursework |
The teacher will give instructions on how students can prepare for and review lessons. |
資格等に関する事項 /Attention Relating to Professional License |
備考 /Notes |
No. | 単元(授業回数) /Unit (Lesson Number) |
単元タイトルと概要 /Unit Title and Unit Description |
時間外学習 /Preparation and Review |
配付資料 /Handouts |
1 | 1 | [Introduction] The structure and purpose of the class will be explained |
2 | 2 | [The role of English in Art/Design in Japan] Examples of English in art and design in Japan |
3 | 3 | [The international visitor] What is the international visitor to Japan looking for in way of understanding |
4 | 4 | [Museum kiosks] Museum kiosks and how they work |
5 | 5 | [Brainstorming ideas] Gathering ideas for your project |
6 | 6 | [Needs analysis] Analyzing the needs of the user |
7 | 7 | [Storyboarding] Making complete storyboards |
8 | 8 | [Storyboarding] Making complete storyboards |
9 | 9 | [Treatment writing] Writing the script |
10 | 10 | [Treatment writing] Writing the script |
11 | 11 | [Filming] Filming the project |
12 | 12 | [Filming] Filming the project |
13 | 13 | [Editing] Editing the project |
14 | 14 | [Editing] Editing the project |
15 | 15 | [Editing/Preparation] Finishing up and preparing for the final presentation |
16 | 16 | [Presentations/Test] Presenting to the class |
No. |
到達目標 /Learning Goal |
知識?理解 /Knowledge & Undestanding |
技能?表現 /Skills & Expressions |
思考?判断 /Thoughts & Decisions |
伝達?コミュニケーション /Communication |
協働 /Cooperative Attitude |
Participation | Attendance |
1 | At the end of this course, students will better understand the importance of, and feel more comfortable with, the use of English | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
No. |
到達目標 /Learning Goal |
定期試験 /Exam. |
Participation | Attendance | |||
1 | At the end of this course, students will better understand the importance of, and feel more comfortable with, the use of English | ○ | ○ | ○ | |||
評価割合(%) /Allocation of Marks |
20 | 40 | 40 |